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Gender and Organizational Change (4 editions)

Name  Gender and Organizational Change (4 editions)
Organization International Labour Standards, Rights at Work and Gender Equality of the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (United Nations), Italy
Target group The training is open to professionals working in the United Nation agencies, as well as in any other international organizations (World Bank, African Development Bank, etc..), NGOs and associations, governments bodies, trade unions, companies, universities.  
My role Trainer and Coach on Systemic Change Management to lead key changes and transitions towards Gender Equal and Neutral working environments. 
The key problem    The discriminating structural mechanisms (formal policies and social codes that shape organizations, behaviours, communication and human interactions) which obstruct gender equality and equal opportunities in workplaces. 
The key need  The development and empowerment of change makers for gender equality inside working environments.
Learning outcomes  By the end of the training programme participants have developed core knowledge and skills to:

  • Recognize the limiting formal policies and social codes (as well as their causing mechanisms) that trigger discriminating behaviours, communication and interactions inside their organizations, so obstructing equal opportunities.
  • Identify the methodologies, strategies and tools to modify the existing discriminating mechanisms inside their organizations.
  • Develop strategic action plans and activities to drive the transition of their organizations from discriminating policies and social codes to gender neutral ones, reinforcing gender equality.
  • Implement the action plans and activities, so acting as change makers inside their organizations. 



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