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Leadership Development Programme: Four Pillars Based Training to strengthen innovative leadership in hybrid workplaces.


Name  Leadership Development Programme: Four Pillars Based Training to strengthen innovative leadership in hybrid workplaces.
Target Groups Managers of the European target organization (that wishes to remain anonymous based on its own internal policies).
Activity Capacity Development. 
The key problem The managerial challenges of the transition to hybrid workplaces.
The key need  The managers’ ownership of relevant knowledge and tools to successfully drive the transition of their teams to hybrid working environments, prevent problems and create successful relational, organizational and interaction dynamics in the new settings. 
Results  By the end of the capacity development programme, managers developed tailored and result oriented knowledge and tools on 4 core interconnected and interdependent sets of skills (The 4-Pillar Based Approach), which are crucial to successfully act as transformative leaders and build effective hybrid work places, as follows:

  • Self-Leadership 
  • Inclusive and Transformative Leadership
  • Management of Communication and Relationships
  • Systemic Change Management.
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