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My name is Anita and I’m Italian, from Turin. I have been living in Brussels for almost 10 years and working as a Change Manager for 20. I am a “technician” of the human side of change: my expertise entails a set of methodology, strategies, approaches and tools to transform the way systems function and the way people behave toward a specific change objective.

Here is a brief summary of my story.

After obtaining a master’s degree in the humanities, I started working as a Project Manager for an Italian company. Through significant EU funding, we designed and implemented research, development, and training programs aimed at facilitating the successful integration of non-EU citizens, especially women, into the European professional, social, economic, and political environments.
At that time, I was a journalist who had recently returned from France and had just published my thesis titled “Islam and migratory paths in France and Italy” with the Harmattan publishing house.

My first work experience in my home country was fantastic, mainly consisting of international networks and collaborations with public and private partners. It involved project design and management, research, international travels, training delivery, and fieldwork. Although most of my project proposals received positive evaluations and financial support from European DGs, I felt that I lacked sufficient knowledge and tools to become the skilled and specialized professional I aspired to be.

In 2005, I left that company and enrolled in a Masters in Management of Development at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (organized in collaboration with the University of Political Science).

I completed the program with honors the following year. In June 2006, I was a 31-year-old mother of a 5-year-old daughter, and I was eager to embark on a new adventure.

So, I started working as a Project and Change Manager for an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO), as a responsible for activities in Asia. Over the next nine years, my role primarily involved designing and implementing change, innovation, and development projects, both from Italy and in the field, as well as capacity-building programs.

These initiatives addressed specific social, cultural, and market frameworks, with a core focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Throughout this period, I never stopped studying and researching. I realized that the conventional linear model for analyzing problems and designing development processes was not truly functional.
I grew concerned that making significant changes within specific groups without considering the broader contexts to which they belonged could be dangerous. I observed a lack of genuine focus on empowering individuals, despite them being the key target of all our actions. Consequently, I delved into the Systems Theory, and developed a systemic and circular approach to change. I also studied relational counseling, change management, social and behavioral change. I created integrated strategies not only to plan change by modifying the relational and organizational structures of systems but also, and above all, to enable people to change their behaviors and systems towards desired objectives.
In 2016, I moved to Brussels and co-founded my consulting company, InnoSuccess.

The world was undergoing transformation, and the environmental crisis was shedding light on the critical issues of the development models used up to that time. Then, the COVID-related health crisis occurred, reinforcing the need to create much more flexible, psychologically safe, inclusive, diversified, and gender-neutral professional environments for the well-being of people and the success and transformation of organizations.

Change unquestionably became the key to a better present and future.
Since then, my job is about enabling professionals, international organizations, companies, universities, associations and public authorities to realize the inner or external change path they want, moving from a current situation to an innovative and improved reality. I accomplish this through the design and implementation of strategic action plans and capacity development.

My vision of change is based on three pillars, as follows:

  1. To be safe, successful and sustainable, any change must carefully consider both the systemic and individual levels. This means that at each stage stage of the process (from the problem analysis to post-end evaluation of the intervention) there must be a constant focus on: the organizational, communication and relational working structures that have to be modified to allow the system to improve its functioning mode and make it conducive to the set development objective; the real needs of people to be concretely enabled to embrace and perform the change process.
  2. Change is an extremely important and delicate professional discipline, which shapes the future life and results of people, organizations and societies. For this reason, change managers and change leaders must act with knowledge, capacities, abilities and experience concerning 4 key areas: Self-Leadership; Inclusive and Transformative Leadership; Management of Communication and Relationships; Systemic Change Management.
  3. Women can and must play a core role as change-makers, everywhere, to drive societies, policies and economies towards full environmental and social sustainability.
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