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National Women Leadership Programme

Name  National Women Leadership Programme

Funded by the European Union

Target Groups 150 women managers employed in public organizations in Egypt (in 15 ministries and 5 academia).
Activity Development and delivery of tailored and result oriented training programmes on female transformative leadership and project design for systemic changes in public workplaces. Assistance and support to the development of 150 action plans to mainstream gender, promote equality and empower women managers in public working environments in Egypt. 
The key problem The discriminating mechanisms at both systemic (societal/organizational) and individual level that limit equal opportunities and female career development in managerial, leadership and decision making positions, in ministries and academia in Egypt. 
The key need


Empower women at two levels: the individual one, to grow their career as managers, and fulfil their professional and life objectives; the collective one, to perform as female transformative leaders and changemakers towards gender equal and successful institutions. 
  • 3 e-learning modules on Self-Leadership, Management of communication and relationships, Transformative Leadership, developed
  • A tailored and result oriented coaching programme (32 modules on Self-Leadership, Leadership, Management of Communication and Relationships, Systemic Change Management) designed and delivered 
  • 150 women managers coached
  • 150 action plans, to mainstream gender and empower women as transformative leaders of change in public organizations in Egypt, developed
  • A 4 days training event in Cairo for 150 women managers in public organizations implemented. 

By the conclusion of the programme, participants have acquired essential knowledge and tools to:

  • Recognize and comprehend their own self-limiting behaviours, policies, and social norms that impede the effective attainment of their goals and foster discriminatory environments.
  • Identify and utilize methodologies, strategies, approaches, and self-empowerment tools to progress towards achieving their objectives.
  • Identify and utilize methodologies, strategies, approaches, and self-empowerment tools to promote gender equality within their workplaces, integrate gender perspectives, and empower the other women.
  • Formulate and implement a strategic action plan within their organization, thereby acting as transformative female leaders.
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