Name Développement des capacités nationales en protection sociales (Academy of…
Support and Capacity Development Multiannual Programme (2 years) for the Gender and Diversity Focal Points.

Name | Support and Capacity Development Multiannual Programme (2 years) for the Gender and Diversity Focal Points. |
Organization | International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (United Nations), Italy. |
Target Groups | The Gender Equality and Diversity Inclusion (GEDI) Focal Points who work in the diverse programmes and units of the ITC-ILO of Turin. |
Activity | Support to the development of annual strategic action plans to strengthen Gender Equality and Diversity Inclusion both inside the organization and in the training programmes; Capacity Development on the 4-Pillar Based Approach to perform as change makers. |
Key problem | The still existing discriminations and inequalities in the global world of work. |
Key need | The ownership of relevant knowledge and capacities to perform as real change makers inside the organizations ,and to transfer to participants contents and approaches to promote GEDI in their work places. |
Results |